Interesting Info About California
California, also known as the Golden State, ranks number 1 overall for population. It has seen a population growth of 6.10% since 2010. You might be surprised to find out that 56.1% of the people in California own their homes. This means that of the 39,538,223 people in California, 56.1% are potentially elligible to install solar panels at their home. Click here to find out if you're elligible for solar panels. A few fun facts about the state of California: 1) it is actually the home of "General Sherman," a 3,500-year-old tree, and a stand of bristlecone pines 4,000 years old are the world's oldest living things, and number 2, the state motto is "Eureka (I have found it)".
California has a total area of 155,779.22 square miles of which 155,779.22 square miles is land. The highest elevation in the State of California is 14,494 feet and the lowest point is ?2822 making the average elevation 2,900 feet. With these elevations, solar panel installation is usually a breeze.