Solar Panels In Colorado

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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost In Colorado

The actual cost per watt will vary from county to county in Colorado. The price ranges below are range based on the average price per watt of $3.12.

System Size Avg. Cost Per Watt Low-End Price Average Price High-End Price
6 kWs $3.12 $14,040.00 $18,720.00 $23,400.00
8 kWs $3.12 $18,720.00 $24,960.00 $31,200.00
10 kWs $3.12 $23,400.00 $31,200.00 $39,000.00
12 kWs $3.12 $28,080.00 $37,440.00 $46,800.00
14 kWs $3.12 $32,760.00 $43,680.00 $54,600.00
16 kWs $3.12 $37,440.00 $49,920.00 $62,400.00

Please remember, these prices are based on the overall average price per watt in the entire state of Colorado. The actual price may be a bit higher or lower depending on your city.

Solar Panel Rebates In Colorado

Did you know there are at least 105 solar panel rebates available in Colorado. This means that in addition to the 26% federal tax credit, you can save even more with Colorado solar rebates. Click below to view all of the solar rebates you can apply for.

  • At Least 105 Solar Rebates
  • Get Federal Tax Credits & Colorado Solar Rebates
  • Save Thousands Of Dollars On Solar Panels In Colorado
man installing solar panels on roof
Colorado Solar Panels By City

Cities In Colorado Where Solar Is Booming

Homeowners around the State of Colorado are eliminating their energy bills, improving the value of their homes, and making Colorado a little more green. Check out some of the more popular cities for solar panels in Colorado below.

  • Arvada
    Sunlight kWh1182.0524466872kWh
    % Qualified84.96%
    Med. kW Potential8.25kW
  • Aurora
    Sunlight kWh1256.7384647206kWh
    % Qualified88.77%
    Med. kW Potential8.25kW
  • Boulder
    Sunlight kWh1157.7kWh
    % Qualified69.32%
    Med. kW Potential7kW
  • Broomfield
    Sunlight kWh1192.55kWh
    % Qualified97.33%
    Med. kW Potential10.25kW
  • Centennial
    Sunlight kWh1258kWh
    % Qualified91.99%
    Med. kW Potential8.75kW
  • Colorado Springs
    Sunlight kWh1297.1kWh
    % Qualified87.63%
    Med. kW Potential9.5kW
  • Denver
    Sunlight kWh1247.8kWh
    % Qualified72.12%
    Med. kW Potential6.25kW
  • Fort Collins
    Sunlight kWh1187.45kWh
    % Qualified83.13%
    Med. kW Potential8.5kW
  • Grand Junction
    Sunlight kWh1266.5kWh
    % Qualified85.94%
    Med. kW Potential11.75kW
  • Greeley
    Sunlight kWh1224.85kWh
    % Qualified95.36%
    Med. kW Potential11.75kW
  • Highlands Ranch
    Sunlight kWh1260.55kWh
    % Qualified97.03%
    Med. kW Potential8kW
  • Lakewood
    Sunlight kWh1180.65kWh
    % Qualified84.29%
    Med. kW Potential9kW
  • Loveland
    Sunlight kWh1187.45kWh
    % Qualified93.44%
    Med. kW Potential10.25kW
  • Pueblo
    Sunlight kWh1319.2kWh
    % Qualified85.25%
    Med. kW Potential9kW
  • Thornton
    Sunlight kWh1246.1kWh
    % Qualified94.91%
    Med. kW Potential8.5kW
  • Westminster
    Sunlight kWh1217.3394518806kWh
    % Qualified88.63%
    Med. kW Potential7.75kW

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Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions About Solar Panels In Colorado

Still have questions about getting solar panels installed at your home or property in Colorado? Browse some of our most common questions and answers below.

How Is Solar Energy Produced?

When the photons in sunlight hit the atoms in your solar panel, electrons can be kicked loose. Solar panels are designed to collect these disassociated electrons and store them in a battery to power your home and electronics.

Can Solar Panels Withstand Hurricanes?

When properly installed, especially in hurricane-prone areas like Florida, the strict installation regulations ensure that solar panel systems are as safe as the rest of your home and roof. In many circumstances, the added reinforcement actually helps the home and roof fare better in a hurricane than a home without solar panels. Of course, as in any natural disaster, anything can happen and there is no way to guarantee your solar panels won’t sustain damage or be ripped up along with the roof.

Why are flexible solar panels less efficient?

Flexible solar panels are limited in the materials they can be made from. Rigid solar panels can be made with more efficient components, and are generally thicker, which means more material to interact with solar rays and produce electricity.

Do Solar Panels Create Power On Cloudy Days?

Solar Panels still produce some electricity during cloudy days from indirect and UV light, but their production is reduced to around 15-30% of what they would create in direct sunlight.

Can Solar Panels Withstand Hail Storms?

Yes! Properly installed solar panels are much more resilient than people imagine. Just because they’re thin and reflective like glass doesn’t mean they are fragile. In fact, many solar panel owners report extensive damage to the rest of their home, cars, and property, while their solar panel system stays undamaged. The angle and direction the panels are installed facing make the biggest difference regarding their vulnerability during a hail storm, and like the rest of your property they can be insured against hail damage.

How Often Should Solar Panels Be Cleaned?

The simple answer is any time they become obstructed by too much debris or grime to work efficiently. How long that takes will depend on your location. If you live near a populated downtown, your panels will get covered in soot faster, but if you live in a rainy place, your panels may stay cleaner longer. As a general rule, it is best to clean and inspect your solar panels every 6 months, but you may find it makes sense to clean them more often and get full efficiency from your clean solar panels.

How much do solar panels cost?

When it comes to the all-in price of installing solar panels, several factors can have an impact. Some of the most common factors that affect the pricing of solar panel installation are the type of solar panels you’re using, the number of solar panels you’re installing, your roof type, and interconnection costs. You can learn more about solar panel costs in this resource.

Interesting Facts About Colorado

Colorado, also known as the Centennial State, has seen a population growth of 14.80% since 2010. As of 2020, the total population was 5,773,714. The percentage of homeownership in Colorado is a whopping 68.5%! This means that 68.5% of the 5,773,714 people in Colorado are potentially elligible to install solar panels at their home. Click here to find out if you're elligible for solar panels. A few fun facts about the state of Colorado: 1) it is actually the home of The world's largest silver nugget (1,840 pounds) found in 1894 near Aspen, and number 2, the state motto is "Nil sine Numine (Nothing without Providence)".

The total area for Colorado is 103,641.89 square miles. When you factor in water area, it has an overall size of 104,093.67 square miles. Colorado has an average elevation of 6,800 feet and a highest elevation of 14,433 (Mt. Elbert). With this average elevation, it is probably typical that solar panels can be installed at your home.

man installing solar panels on roof