Things To Know About Delaware
Delaware, also known as the Diamond State; First State; Small Wonder, ranks number 46 overall for population. It has seen a population growth of 10.20% since 2010. The percentage of homeownership in Delaware is a whopping 74.7%! This means that 74.7% of the 989,948 people in Delaware are potentially elligible to install solar panels at their home. Click here to find out if you're elligible for solar panels. A few fun facts about the state of Delaware: 1) it is actually the home of The first log cabins in North America, built in 1683 by Swedish immigrants, and number 2, the state motto is "Liberty and Independence".
Delaware has a total area of 1,948.54 square miles of which 78.29% is land. The average elevation in Delaware is 60 feet with the highest point being Ebright Road, Del.?Pa. state line at an elevation of 448 feet. The lowest point in Delaware is Atlantic Ocean. This type of landscape is generally advantageous for solar panels.