Interesting Facts About Illinois
Illinois, also known as the Prairie State, has seen a population growth of –0.1% since 2010. As of 2020, the total population was 12,812,508. The percentage of homeownership in Illinois is a whopping 68.8%! This means that 68.8% of the 12,812,508 people in Illinois are potentially elligible to install solar panels at their home. Click here to find out if you're elligible for solar panels. Did you know that Illinois is the the home of The tallest building in the U.S., Sears Tower, in Chicago? it should come as no surprise that the state motto is "State sovereignty, national union".
The total area for Illinois is 55,518.93 square miles. When you factor in water area, it has an overall size of 57,913.55 square miles. The highest elevation in the State of Illinois is 1,235 feet and the lowest point is 279 making the average elevation 600 feet. With these elevations, solar panel installation is usually a breeze.