Interesting Info About Texas
Texas, also known as the Lone Star State, has seen a population growth of 15.90% since 2010. As of 2020, the total population was 29,145,505. You might be surprised to find out that 65.3% of the people in Texas own their homes. This means that of the 29,145,505 people in Texas, 65.3% are potentially elligible to install solar panels at their home. Click here to find out if you're elligible for solar panels. Famous for being the home of NASA, in Houston, headquarters for all piloted U.S. space projects, it should come as no surprise that the state motto is "Friendship".
Texas has a total area of 261,231.71 square miles of which 261,231.71 square miles is land. The highest elevation in the State of Texas is 8,749 feet and the lowest point is Sea level making the average elevation 1,700 feet. With these elevations, solar panel installation is usually a breeze.