Things To Know About South Carolina
South Carolina, known locally as the Palmetto State, has a total population of 5,118,425 as of 2020.Since 2010 the population has grown by 10.70%. The percentage of homeownership in South Carolina is a whopping 74.8%! This means that 74.8% of the 5,118,425 people in South Carolina are potentially elligible to install solar panels at their home. Click here to find out if you're elligible for solar panels. Did you know that South Carolina is the the home of The first tea farm in the U.S., created in 1890 near Summerville? it should come as no surprise that the state motto is "Animis opibusque parati (Prepared in mind and resources) and Dum spiro spero (While I breathe, I hope)".
South Carolina has a total area of 30,060.70 square miles of which 30,060.70 square miles is land. South Carolina has an average elevation of 350 feet and a highest elevation of 3,560 (Sassafras Mountain). With this average elevation, it is probably typical that solar panels can be installed at your home.